Mobile development with swift and flutter

🎉 Announcing ChatBar (Alpha)🎉

November 29, 2023 at 3:45PM

On the 1 year anniversary of ChatGPT it seems like the perfect time to release an app that I've had in development for the better part of a year. Ever since a developer friend got me to try using ChatGPT. At some point I had a minor epiphany when I threw it a convert this code prompt and it solved the problem. Development started with a simple premise. What if I could have access to ChatGPT from my macOS menu bar? I spent some time and tried out all the ones I could find. I found some that frankly looked to been designed in soviet era Russia. Others were the offensive cross platform abominations that devour system resources while doing nothing. Also found other apps that looked great but lacked features that I consider essential for any self respecting macOS app.

Things like:

  • Basic Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. ⌘Q, ⌘,)
  • A resizable window
  • Right click menu when clicking the icon.

So, with that simple list create I decide to build my own. How hard could it be? Just create a macOS menu bar app, give it a WebView to load the OpenAi website. Then add in my special sauce of a few keyboard shortcuts, window resizing, and a functional right click menu.

How long could that possibly take? Surely it wouldnt take more that a few weekends to put together.

Learn more here or download a notorized trial version now.

Thanks for reading :-)